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Takeshi Kuramoto
Japan Society for Reproductive Medicine
MD, PhD, specializes in endocrinology and reproductive medicine.  He opened Kuramoto Women’s Clinic (Fukuoka, Japan) in 1995 and has run the clinic as its director since. He is a clinician, accredited as a reproductive medicine specialist and clinical instructor by the Japan Society of Reproductive Medicine.  His work has resulted in approximately 17,000 successful pregnancies, including 11,000 ART. He is also a clinical professor at the School of Medicine, Kurume University and a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Graduate School of Medicine, Yamaguchi University.  He presently serves as the chair of JISART (Japanese Institution for Standardizing Assisted Reproductive Medicine) whose goal is to provide higher quality ART and improve patient satisfaction.






日期 时间 会场 Session 角色 讲题
2022-08-06 12:30-12:50 C1主会场


讲者 Audit and accreditation of ART facilities in Japan; JISART’s commitment focusing on quality management systems (QMS) and patient satisfaction
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